Expert Witness Services

Expert Witness Services

Expert witness testimony is an essential element of formal dispute resolution proceedings. Expert witness testimony is particularly important in the construction sector since specialists in the construction industry deal with a wide variety of tasks. Therefore, an experienced professional is generally needed to clarify the technicalities associated with his profession. PMCG’s experts are well versed in provision of expert witness services in arbitration and litigation proceedings on delay, quantum and contractual matters.

Delay issues are generally at the heart of a great majority of construction disputes. PMCG’s experts have proven their practical and academic skills in respect of complex delay issues in all delivered projects and services.

Moreover, quantum calculations for extension of time or disruption claims can be a bottleneck in complex proceedings. PMCG’s experts are experienced in calculating prolongation and disruption costs having successfully undertaken many delay and disruption claims.

Furthermore, resolving contractual and legal issues requires strong knowledge of contractual mechanisms and legal rules as well as an analytical skill to address key issues in a logical way. PMCG’s highly qualified experts with dual academic background in law and engineering can handle complex issues and present them with clarity and confidence in times of uncertainty.

PMCG Uluslararası İnşaat Danışmanlık Grubu A.Ş.

Ankara Head Office

Next Level, A Blok, Kat: 4, No: 10 Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey

Tel : +90 (312) 945 36 77

Istanbul Branch Office

Metropol Istanbul, A Blok, Kat: 21 No: 331, Atasehir, Istanbul, Turkey

Tel : +90 (216) 709 78 36

UK Associate Office

Contact the Head Office for details

Abu Dhabi Associate Office

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